Friday, May 12, 2006

The Karolinska hospital

Todays photos are... well... lets just say not to uplifting = ) But I guess this time the text tells more than the pictures. These colourless and unimaginative houses are from the forties. Luckily the interior is far more modern than that. Site of the Karolinska hospital this is a place that affects, has affected or will affect a lot of people in Stockholm.
A part from being a big hospital it also has a institute, formed in 1810, that educates a lot of doctors and has their own research facilities.

18 000 people work within the Karolinska hospital and with their own busstation it´s always buzzing with people who are on their way to those sometimes unfair, unlogical or happy moments that occurs when fate meets mankind. Which it does probably more often in a place like this.

A bit of a paradox though is that across the road from this enormous hospital where people work to make our lifes longer is one of northern Europes biggest cemeterys.
When you stand in the middle of the road and see ambulances coming in you cant help but feel the irony of it. A kind of constant reminder of whatever we do, that´s where we´ll end up.


At 12:59 PM, Blogger Nicola said...

Hospitals usually belong to the places where I happy that I don't have to be there. But it's good we have them especially if they are as well equipped as this one seems to be!

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Kala said...

Is this the same as Karolinska Institute? hmmm

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Mark said...

I do not want to end up in this hospital, no how, no way!!

At 12:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »


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