Right... so appart from being away quite a lot recently my current schedule reads like this:
Monday-wednesday 30/10-1/11 - Gothenburg (west coast approx 450 kilometres from Stockholm)
Wednesday night-sunday morning 1/11- 5/11 - Kalmar (east coast approx 450 kilometres from Stockholm)
Sunday - Stockholm!
Monday-Thursday 6/11-9/11 - Halmstad (west coast approx 400 kilometres from Stockholm)
Friday the 10th of november I will be back properly... Until then I´m sad to say there is no chance in hell that I can update the blog with Stockholmpics. I have´nt had time to take any pics recently due to lack of time, going to try to solve something with one of my mates perhaps posting a bit.
But if not you´ll know why I´m going to be absent for a while, work has taken it´s toll recently needless to say!
Stockholm lakes

Stockholm is filled with many lakes. This photo is taken from the Haga Park, just outside central Stockholm. A great autumn day!
Notice the similarity to yesterdays post from the west coast. Same sky, same clouds and same light from the sun.
Field of dreams

Back in the capital of Sweden again after a few days on the road. I had time for one shot before my camerabatteries died. But I´m pretty happy about the photo I got just outside Gothenburg!
This picture could just aswell be from Stockholm or any other place in Sweden. Sports is a essential part of life and even in the capital there are often plenty of footballpitches.
A blessing compared to the situation in many other bigger cities around Europe where playing fields are lost to fit in new houses.
Places like this creates dreams. Not only for kids, but also for the adults that still play with the thought of playing for Barcelona in their thirties =)
Entrance to power

Quick post. I´m on my way to Gothenburg meaning that I once again will have to stall posts for a few days. Sorry for this, but I currently have a job which means that I have to travel 2-3 days a week meaning it´s pretty tough photographing and posting.
This is once of the entrances to our houses of parliament that was posted during the weekend. Very discrete, just as the head entrance!
The houses of parliament

There is two facades of Riksdagen (the houses of parliament), the one I am showing now is the one closest to the royal castle.
Built at the end of the 19th century and completed in the beginning of the 20th it has that good old "oh, look at our fantastic building" feeling about it = )
To the left you can see a churchtower which you might remember from may in
THIS PHOTO Photo taken from Norrbron which is the same place from the channelphoto four days ago.

Want to watch a hockeygame? No problem in Stockholm where the interest of watching hockey is pretty much rock bottom. In the Globen arena, the largest hemispherical building in the world, more than 11 000 seats were empty when Stockholm teams AIK and Hammarby meet in the second division.
Football (soccer) is the main sport nowadays in the capital of Sweden with one of the biggest clubs AIK football averaging around 21 000. AIK hockey on the other hand draws barely 1 500 a game, 10-15 years ago it was totally different.
Globen is much to blame for this. It´s enormous roof makes it virtually impossible to have a good atmosphere and the cost of playing in the arena is sky high. That and a very strange leaguesystem has made hockey a yawn for many Stockholmers.
Globen by the way you can see in
THIS PIC that I actually borrowed from Wikipedia.
Västerlånggatan again.

Usually a jampacked street during summer, filled with tourists, Västerlånggatan in the old town becomes a very nice place to walk down when autumn arrives.
Plenty of space suddenly which makes you take in all the details of this beautiful old street in a totally different way compared to when you have to share it with thousands of others.
A definitive must if you visit Stockholm in the off season!

Sorry for late posting yet again. Been traveling with work and will be doing that even more now in the future. I had saved some drafts but was´nt able to upload them.
Anyway! This photo was taken yesterday right after work. I was lucky, the clouds were´nt completly grey and managed to squeeze in some photos before it got to dark. It is really getting darker now in the evenings.
To the left of this building out of view is our houses of parliament and the photo is taken from the bridge called Norrbro.
A different view

Right, I know I´m cheating with this photo but I´m in a hurry and my pile of photos is near empty = )
The above photo is taken from my swedish hometown Kalmar. This canon lies on the bastion that surrounds the local castle. What can I say, destruction meets beauty = )
Early morning street

Lots of streetshots lately. I´ve got stuck creatively = )
This is Greve Ture gatan (the count Ture Street) early in the morning. As you can see the street slopes quite a bit. I love the old buildings here.

My colleagues saw this massive angel when they were out on lunch the other day. Odd is´nt it? Swedish buildings from the thirties and fourties and onward are pretty low when it comes to exterior design. Therefore I was quite surprised to see this gracing the face of the building!
Unusual is to say the least = )
Gateway home

In a hurry? In 90 percent of the cases people passing through the subwayentrance are. Atleast in the morning and evening. Rushing to and from work is a situation probably most of us have to reconcile with.
This photo is taken at Stockholms centralstation one early afternoon.
A anonymous church

A little photo from the Adolf Fredriks church, located right next to busy Sveavägen that you could see yesterday. For those of you that follow this blog you will have noticed that churches are to be seen basically everywhere = )
The Adolf Fredrik church is surrounded by trees, and even though it´s not small it´s not that big either, making it an easy to pass by without even noticing it. Or to quote one of my friends when we passed it:
"Oh, I did´nt know that there was a church here!"
= )

Sveavägen in a photo taken during lunchtime. I had a bit of a fortune getting this street so empty when I took the shot. Is usually and was crowdy when I took the photo. Further up at the end of this street is the
sergelfountain and to the right you might recognize the Hötorgethouses that I showed
here on the blog
A shot from the observatory hill

Sorry sorry for late post! But I´ve been there, and there and very much so everywhere lately.
This photo is one taken in the slightest of fogs from the observatory hill, about 40 metres up, down towards Sveavägen, one of the main streets of central Stockholm. To the left the city library can be seen ever so slightly.
You might recognize the small park below from this
The Gustav Vasa church

A little close up as promised of the Gustav Vasa church which may look old but is built in the early 1900:s. The church is named after Gustav Vasa who liberated Sweden from a two year old danish ruling back in 1523. He is also the man who made Sweden a protestant church, a choice made out of more economic reasons rather than the teachings of Martin Luther.
I´m away on travels as usual by the way so posting might be a bit slow come this weekend!

On both sides of this photo there is plenty of traffic as this is Odenplan, the heart of Vasastaden which is one of Stockholms main cityparts. This little square is between Karlbergsvägen and Odengatan. The big T that you can see in this picture is, yes, you guessed right, an entrance to the underground!
T stands for Tunnelbanan (The underground system) and if you ever visit Stockholm and want to commute with local trafficsystems that is the sign to look for!
In the background you can see the Gustav Vasa church, a church I will show you a bit closer tomorrow. The red buses in the background are local buslines going with different routes around Stockholm. This is a busy centre for those who commute and has basically always been. Many years ago this was one of the main centres for the tramwaylines going around central Stockholm.

Karlvavägen (vägen = road, street) is located in the fashionable Östermalmarea of Stockholm. I love this street and it´s a pity I did´nt get to photograph it on a sunny day. The walk down this path is usually filled with people on a warm day. With the trees accompaning your walk you finally end up in a small Park with a big fountain in the middle, Karlaplan.
Will have to show a picture of that tomorrow perhaps =)
Karlavägen is btw a very heavily trafficked road and kind of a pickle to get out of sometimes during rush hour!
White skies

For starters I can say I sometimes get a few strange mails regarding my page. I´m sure some of you recognize that. One of the oddest ones though was the other week from a guy who blamed me for manipulating my pictures sky. "It looks unrealistic and silly he wrote"
Some people just have to much time on their hands...
Well this is actually how the sky can look in Stockholm. White. Which this photo from Kammakaregatan (gatan = street) is proof of. It may look cool but it´s quite grey and boring really.
This is also a typical central Stockholm sidestreet. Very calm, old housefacades that are renovated nine times out of ten, and very organized parking = )