Boy peeing on Lion

Well, what else can I name it to when I have´nt got a clue to what it is =)
This photograph is taken from outside the restaurant in the cityhouse where the nobel prize dinner among others is served. An expensive place to eat but apparantly well worth it (can´t say if so cause I have´nt had the opportunity myself).
The story behind the statue... I´ve got to get back about that but it looks for me as some sort of statue based on christian religion. Cool though is´nt it? = )
The cityhouse again

Ah, the city house. This time excellently portraied by my good friend Chris. The tower at the end you could also see back in july,
here with the sun in the background and a quite impressive skyline.
Eight million bricks were used to build this quite beautiful building between 1911 and 1923 and except that the city is partially ruled from this building the noble prize awards are held here aswell.
If you visit Stockholm, be sure to take the opportunity to go up in the tower. You´ll get a really great view over Stockholms central parts!
No more paying

Quite controversial a roadtax was introduced to Stockholm from the first of january until the last day of july. Between 07.30 and 18.29 you had to pay a fee to get into Stockholms inner city. Payment was done at any Seven Eleven after your registrationlicence had been scanned.
This has been quite controversial since Stockholmers voted no to introduce roadtaxes, yet they did. With a new election coming in september (general elections even on national levels here) the roadtaxquestion is of course a very discussed question, but at the same time a lot of people have turned in opinion since it´s been proven that the traffic going through Stockholm has eased up during the period.
The picture? Well, it shows workers taking down signs on the last of july and I took the liberty of copying a picture from the Roadinspectors homepage. The photographer is called Mikael Ullén
Back in business

First of all I should probably explain the absence of pictures on my blog lately. I have´nt really been up for it quite honestly. And a bit ironically I have´nt had the energy despite having nothing to do at work!
I guess I´ve just been sitting with nothing to do for to long a time. Anyway, going to publish every day again after this little glitch!
The above shot was one that I managed to get from a football game at one of the smaller local stadiums where I live. Was quite cool seeing all of the feet infront of me, and no faces. I did´nt stay for long to as different objects were being thrown from time to time from the stand =)
Arlanda Airport

Terminal 5 Arlanda Airport. Flights bound to the outside of Scandinavia. Enter lightly dressed swedes going on holiday mixed with your typical businessmen and foreign tourists and voilá; you have yourself a typical airport = )
Based 40 kilometres from Stockholm this airport opened in 1962 replacing the Bromma Airport that was built in 1936. Bromma was the main airport before Arlanda but due to a ever expanding city and a big increase in commercial flights it was deemed not suitable for further expandation.
Cue Arlanda which, being built quite far from Stockholm, was considered a safe bet for further expansions due to the distance. Ironically though it has encountered the same dilemma as Bromma did in the fifties. Suburbs as Upplands-Väsby and Märsta have objected to the airport building a fourth runway.
In any case, now you´ve seen a typical Terminal in Europes 15th largest airport =)
The end of Santorini
I was climbing this mountain through steep steps. In the middle of the mountain a small little chaple was located. A bit surreal really cause it seemed to be so out of place. Never the less it was a great resting point for me as the walk was pretty exhausting in the heat.

And when I got to the top I got a view that looked something like this =) Not to bad hey?
Going to show Stockholmpics from now on!
I know some want to see pics of Stockholm after a long absence. But as I´ve said, I just have got to share some pics of this beauty of an Island. These pictures are taken from the island of Therasia, one of Santorinis smaller Islands. Here local sailors live in one of Greece most underdeveloped parts living of tourism mainly and some fishing. Got some nice pictures of a very simple Island (although I would like to add that they did have running water, toilets and all that, so it´s not that underdeveloped =)

I just loved these boats in the harbour.
Santorinis volcano

It´s said that perhaps the myth of Atlantis comes from Santorini. In excavations of the islands old settlements indicate that there may have been twin waterpipes, one for hot and for cold water, as far back as over 1500 years b.c!
However, the civilization that prospered on this beautiful Island was wiped out completly by the eruption of the still active volcano about 3500 years ago. Of course we had to visit the Island and it was´nt dissapointing. Large, with several craters and with a distinct smell of sulphur in our noses we could´nt stop gazing at all the views that we were being given. Very, very nice! =)
Santorini sunset
Ah! Back from Santorini and back to old boring work! Hoorah! Yup, I know this is a blog about Stockholm but meanwhile I take some new snapping shots of Swedens capital I thought I would show you some nice photos from Santorini.
I´m not one for traditional Greek Islands but I really enjoyed this place and I can see how it´s one of the worlds most popular Islands.
The below picture is taken from the top of the mountain on the south part of this small Island. From there I was able to get cliffsides bathing in the sunset.

...and of course I had to take this photo of the sunset. You can see the volcanic Island closest to the camera. Still active I do of course have a couple of photos of it to show you = )
Bye bye!

And as you could probably depict from yesterdays post I am pretty fed up and tired right now. So bye bye I say to Sweden, my job and this blog for about nine days. Tomorrow I will be going to the very nice island of Santorini and enjoy the sun, some drinks and hopefully a nice stay.
Blog will be up tuesday the 15th of august. Catch you on the flipside people =)
Stockholm Pride

First of all I have not taken todays photo. It is curtosy of Stockholm Pridefestivals own homepage and I have taken the liberty of posting a picture taken by a photographer with the byline Silvana D.
The Pridefestival in Stockholm has grown immensly since the start in 1998 to become Scandinavias largest festival for the gay-community. 30 000 participants were said to be in the carnival that as usual take place on the saturday of the festivalweek.
And it´s hard not to laugh at this picture =)
Was going to be there myself but... well, I´ve just felt a bit knackered lately and mondays little break from Sweden, work and everything else comes with quite good timing.
The russian yard

The Russian yard is located at Slussen, just south of the old town and the beginning of the south side of town. This photo is taken from the
KatarinaelevatorThe Russian yard name was established in 1967 and came after the history that russian merchants had here. Between 1641 and 1820 russian salesmen came here to sell their goods and at the most there was 74 different stands, a russian sauna and also a small russian church.
Nowadays there are some stands which sells flowers, fruit and other usual market merchandise. But hardly to the same extent as before.
Östermalms saleshall

Östermalm is as some of you might now the real upper-class part of Stockholm. The Saleshall is a quite obvious example of that. Inside you´ll find several different dishes and foodsorts. Some local, others more exotic. But the prices are in a few cases heavily overpriced.
Can´t say I blame them. Because if you have fools just around the corner more than willing to pay the price you just have to take advantage of it. Never mind, it´s a very interesting and quite beautiful building. Sales have also been done inside this place for over a hundred years.
The Bromma Boys

This picture might look a bit scruffy. That´s because it´s taken with my cell-phone = )
The advancement of mobile-technology makes it possible for us to take a picture wherever and whenever, and as you see, with reasonable quality aswell!
Todays picture is taken at Grimsta Sportsfield. The small stand that you see does´nt look that particularly special. But the team behind it is.
Brommapojkarna (The Bromma boys) football club (that´s soccer to you americans ;-) is Europes largest football club with countless amounts of boys and girls football teams. Their youth programme is unbelivably serious, some even saying far to much, and their teams are highly succesful.
Many of their youthplayers get contracts with other top teams in Sweden and also abroad. Those who don´t make the cut sometimes end up in the seniorteam. And despite very low crowds and the small stand in frame they´re currently sailing high in the swedish second division.
Sorry for late update btw. Have´nt been up to my usual level lately.

A view of Kungsgatan in Central Stockholm just before the rain started to cause people to run for their lifes from the lethal, lethal rain! =) (why is it that people are so terrified from getting wet?)
Anyway. At the end of this street you have the beginning of Östermalm and fashionable Stureplan where basically everybody who comes from conditions that most of us are unfamiliar to are brought up =D
Kungsgatan is also a classical street in the sense that loads of photographs were taken from this street when people celebrated the end of World War II. You can almost understand why as two cross over bridges and a very broad street make a pretty easy shot if you want to capture loads of people =)